Mar 22, 2017


Infographics is the visual representation of graphics to communicate messages in an engaging way. It should reveal hidden data.

The steps to create an infographic are simple
Select a layer based image editor
Have students investigate types of visuals
Conduct research
Create a rough draft
Teach students about creative commons
Gather and create assets
Teach student use of colors, fonts, and layout
Finally teach about an organizational model

One model is the latch method
Category and

Simple step summary
Choose a color scheme
Know your facts and stats and how you want to present them
Make sure you prove what you want to show
Ensure data presented is easy to understand
Write up some conclusions

Mar 20, 2017

Copyright and Fair Use


This is a license given to artists, authors, musicians etc to give them creative ownership of their work. To pirate movies, or illegally download music, you are infringing on the creative rights of the people who own this license, you are stealing from them.

Fair Use

A teacher can have no more than 9 occurrences of fair use per term. Literature in the public domain is available for fair use. This is usually material published over 100 years ago.

Service learning Reflection

First Robotics Competition

Mar 19, 2017

Punctuation in Texting
While punctuation for formal writing is imperative, in a text punctuation is less important. Since texting is not to impress the reader with your intellectual abilities, punctuation is more for separating ideas and thoughts. Punctuation in texting has become more about expressing emotion and less about expressing formality. This goes hand in hand with texting for expression and impression.